Manual Pistola Llama 9mm Parabellum
Llamapage Spanish Blue Steel Llama Or as translated from Spanish Flame There is an enormous amount of incorrect information out there about the model numbers on the guns Llama made and I have done my best in identifying them to correct it. This research project has been both a rewarding and frustrating experience. A large number of the guns were in my collection to assist in this endeavor and I think I now have it all as it should be.
Downloads: Firearms / Guns / Pistol / Handguns. Llama 9mm Parabellum Parts List Owners Users Instructions Manual: Free PDF Download of the Llama 9mm Parabellum.
The years the series of IIIA's were made however is still in question. Church Of The Gospel Ministry Chula Vista Ca. I want to inform you before you go any further that the designations of series and variation are my designations and not those of Llama.
This Beretta 92F is a semi auto pistol that shoots the.9mm round. It has a 4.9 barrel and has an inox finish. This gun has been u for sale by Mike Cutchin on. Pistola llama 1911 de 9mm - Duration. 1911 Disassembly & Reassembly. Llama 1911 9mm parabellum.
I do it to show that there were major changes made to the guns every few years and there were even variations within those years. In 2005 Llama closed its doors for the last time due to lack of sales and a bankruptcy.
This followed the demise of Astra and Star in about 1997. They simply failed to compete with all of the other gun manufacturers out there, I think due to the bad reputation Spanish guns acquired during the first World War and the restrictions place on them by the Spanish government.
Llama also is reported to have made bad guns during the 80's, but to this day I have never found one. During the 80's they went to making the 9mm P a blow back, I think to cut down on manufacturing costs and that did not help either. Because of the cheap prices Llama's might not have been finished as well as the Colt, but with a bit of work, polishing parts, they work great and I have some early ones that are fantastic. Gabilondo y Uresti started producing the Radium seven shot 6.35 in 1910.