Church Of The Gospel Ministry Chula Vista Ca

Church Of The Gospel Ministry Chula Vista Ca 8,8/10 1074reviews
First Church Of The Gospel MinistryChurch Of The Gospel Ministry Chula Vista Ca

Have you ever found that your phone or computer was acting a little funky? Sometimes the best way to get things back on track is to reboot.

If you’re finding that your own life is giving you outputs that you don’t want or expect, maybe a new year is the ideal time for a hard restart. If you feel like you’re not getting the right results, make 2018 the year to re-engage and re-connect with a power source designed for you to thrive. Whether it’s in your marriage, your parenting, your relationships, or right inside your own heart and mind, hit the restart button and get a new perspective.

COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista seeks to. (Renewing Life) and Associate for Senior Ministry Rev. Chula Vista church of christ chulavista churchofchrist cvcoc san diego south bay bible worship celebrate recovery spanish nursery communion baptism camp christian.

Sharon Graff is grateful to be serving God as the congregation’s Interim Minister during this “in-between” season. She brings gifts gleaned from nearly 35 years of ordained ministry with congregations and para-church organizations throughout Southern California. Sharon describes herself as a Celtic Progressive Christianas one who experiences the Divine presence in and through all of creation, moving us forward in God’s vision of love, mercy and justice. She is the proud mother of Will Graff (who grew up in this congregation!) and the happy spouse of Dr. John Sweeney! Her email is: Vict oria Freiheit is our Associate for Senior Ministry.

Freiheit is a graduate of Lancaster Theological Seminary, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, a past Moderator of the Southern Association of the Southern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ. Her ministry is with senior in our congregation and she is a part of our Visitation Team. Her email is: Amber Ashford, Director of Administrative Ministries Amber works with members of the congregation to develop programs for community outreach. Humax Icord Hd Software-update. She also serves as our church secretary. You can reach her through the church office at (619) 422-9263 or through her email:.

Jim Donahoo, Minister of Visitation. Pastor Jim is a long-time member of Community Congregational Church. Dosprn Windows Vista here. He heads up our visitation team that calls on the homebound, those in the hospital or nursing homes, and other members of the congregation. Pastor Jim is also the first contact for those who wish to have a loved one or friend placed on our Prayer Chain. He is in the church office everyday and can be reached by calling (619) 422-9263 Pelito Capistrano, Building Maintenance. Pelito maintains all of the church properties.

Find 7 listings related to The Church Of Gospel Ministry in Chula Vista on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for The Church Of Gospel. The church in Chula Vista. In order to practice. Radio ministry CA 5. Radio ministry U.K. Stipend to Sammy 7. Stipend to Ady 8.

He does an exceptional job and is willing to help anyone with room setups and other building needs. He may be contacted through the church office at (619) 422-9263. Sylvia Campbell is our Memorial Service and Wedding Coordinator. See further information under the Building Use tab. Val Jean Zieber is our Healing Touch Practiioner Kennan Limbo is our Interim Leader for Sunday School, Youth and Young Adults.

First Service 7:30am Fellowship 8:15am Worship What’s First Service like? First Service is a smaller more intimate gathering. Fellowship starts before the service with coffee and a few shared breakfast items. Second Service 10:00am Worship* 10:00am Sunday School* 11:00am Fellowship *Nursery Provided What’s Second Service like? Second Service is our larger of the two services.