Install 2380.exe Sharper Image
Hi I haven't got found the software for the EC-WS115 yet. I did find a link to the site that Sharper image used to get the data: I went there and by giving them my name and email, I get weather for my town on a web page. They email me the link. I think I can get the software to work and would be happy to share instructions, if someone can post an ISO of the software CD. Hi I haven't got found the software for the EC-WS115 yet. I did find a link to the site that Sharper image used to get the data: I went there and by giving them my name and email, I get weather for my town on a web page.
Dec 22, 2016 EC-WS115 Sharp Weather Station with Windows 10. I finally came across a link to download the Sharper Image Weather.
Usb Redirector Rdp Edition Crack more. They email me the link. I think I can get the software to work and would be happy to share instructions, if someone can post an ISO of the software CD. • 1141 Answers SOURCE: I can recommend you on Weatherlink Software but the market offers another good programs.' Weatherlink Software for Weather Stations' -Is a good weather monitoring, connect the Perception II, Weather Wizard III or Weather Monitor II to your personal computer. WeatherLink data logger stores data-even when your computer is not running-until it is transferred to your computer. You can use WeatherLink software to create graphs, calculate totals and averages, generate summaries, analyze trends, and more- all with your own weather database. Data may be exported to most popular databases.