Jill Rose Muntinlupa

1. Amber is everyone’s favorite. Whenever there’s a farewell party, fiesta, or just a birthday, Amber can’t not be present. Their Palabok and Pichi-Pichi are to die for. You mean Metropolis?
Before it was Starmall, it was called Metropolis as we all know. And you also know that the cinemas there are haunted. Pioneer Avh Firmware. Download Special Version there. Starmall’s bird sanctuary. Especially at night when you pass by Starmall, you’ll see thousands of birds resting on the power lines. 4. Your choice of hangout place is Festival Mall, ATC, or SM Muntinlupa.
Every after school, even though you only have 100 pesos, you’ll go to one of these malls without hesitation. Every after farewell parties these malls are the place to be. You know that Pepsi and Nestle products are made here. Even though Nestle is now closed, you still miss the coffee smell from the factory. You know we don’t only have Sogo, we have Sogo Jr.
25 Signs You’re From Muntinlupa. You know who Mang Kanor and Jill Rose are. Known everywhere but you know they’re from Muntinlupa. The pride of Muntinlupa? In this conversation. Verified account Protected Tweets @ Suggested users.
El Rancho Inn is for You know people who’ve been to this place for some activities. You’re idea of a date is at Sunken Garden.
When you’re low on cash and you have a date, you bring them to the beautiful garden that is Sunken Garden in Bilibid. Your jogging spots include: Sunken Garden, place around Festival, Everest Hills, Or Muntinlupa Sports Center. The best jogging spots in town are here especially in the morning and you know it. X-site is the place to be. Have you ever seen a roller coaster inside a mall? Antharion Game here. Go to X-site at Festival mall and you’ll be amazed. This is where you usually hang out after a tiring day of school to have fun, play games, and do all kinds of activities.
11. Alvarez Bakeshop is always your meeting place. Everytime someone sets a meeting place, it’s always Alvarez. Maybe because it’s in the middle of Bayan so it’s the halfway to everyone. Your funerals are always taken care of by Lim De Mesa. When someone dies, Lim De Mesa Funeral Parlor is where you go. Cisco Ing Xmldefault Cnf Xml here. You know who Mang Kanor and Jill Rose are.

Known everywhere but you know they’re from Muntinlupa. The pride of Muntinlupa? You don’t have the Muntinlupa Hymn memorized. Don’t deny that the only lyrics you know from Muntinlupa hymn is: “Lakas talino’t buhay sa bayan ko’y alay!” 15. You’ve watched Samahang Batya in Alabang.
You’ve watched the parade of people walking around Alabang in awesome costumes that they’ve made themselves. How awesome is that? You’ve been to Eucalyptus Resort at Sto. Looking for a resort that’s nearby? Eucalyptus is always there.
Spacious and not expensive, what’s not to like? You miss the Gameworx at Festival Mall. Remember the bowling alleys at Festival mall? The Billiards hall? I miss them too. You don’t worry about getting bitten by a dog or cat. RITM is right there so you won’t have to worry that much.
You’ve played at the playground on Mcdo by the city hall. Remember when you were a kid and your parents bring you to Mcdo Munisipyo to play and eat? It was every kid’s favorite place to go. The city color changes by mayor. With the San Pedro and Fresnedi mayorship, our city has undergone 3 changes in colorsfrom yellow-white to green to blue-yellow.
You buy your DVDs at Bayan before. Before the age of downloading movies by yourself, we buy DVDs. The place to buy DVDs is at Bayan market. Ultra Mega is the ultimate grocery of all. When you need grocery, where do you go?
Ultra Mega Super Market. That’s the name of the super market. You’ve ridden the Fun House at Pixie Forest. This was the hype before, going to Fun House, entering a room with revolving chairs and scary backgrounds was very entertaining for the kids. You know the pick-up line for people who lives in Alabang. “Hey, I’m good in bed you know, cause I’m fromAla- bang.