Autocad Set All Z To 0

Set random Z value If selected, instead of change all Z coordinates of object to 0, it will set random Z coordinates to all objects. (See TIPS below) Set extrusion to 0 Sometime even the thickness and Z coordinates have been set to 0, the object may have an odd extrusion direction which make it not projected to WCS plane properly. Re: LISP routine to set all z elevations to 0 « Reply #14 on: Mar 19, 2009, 08:05:55 PM » It is the built in function to access the Z coordinate for Autolisp. 'Change' command-works on some items but not lines with differing Z values Express Tools -'Flatten'-About the best I suppose 'Flatten.lsp' freeware, many floating around out there-variable success rate From the command line - 'move' (select objcts), From: 0,0,0 To: 0,0,1e99; then Move: previous From: 0,0,0 To: 0,0,-1e99. AutoCad:: Set Z To 0 For All Objects After Bad Displacement? Nov 11, 2012. I've tried to flatten a drawing using the displacement method (selecting all, then moving.
Have a survey with a river drawn with 3d polyline with multiple z-points. I need to 'flatten' to make a boundary for color hatch for presentation. I have tried the flatten command but makes line jagged instead of smooth spline. Have changed elevation property of 'all' entities to 0.
I have utilized 'quick select' and can select only the 3d polylines and notice there is a z-point modifier to select by but cannot change the z-point property globally on these entities. I can move from z-point at one vertex to 0, and am aware of utilizing grips and moving with.xy filter and making z-value 0, but I have nearly a hundred entities and some with nearly 100 vertices. Any suggestions or work-arounds that change globally. Ti-83 Calculator No on this page.
Any and all assistance is appreciated. Oh I forgot there are also regular 2d polylines in the drawing that have been able to set to z-point of 0. But will not join with the 3d polylines. The short answer to this is that the FLATTEN command is very selective as to what type of entities it will work with.
In my experience the command will work more often when 'Remove hidden lines? ' prompted to Yes. But this option is more likely to alter the geometry of entities in your drawing or move them to a completely diffent XY co-ordinate. Selecting is less likely to work, but never alters geometry or moves anything in XY. I also generally find that AutoCAD is less liekly to do what you want it to with splines than polylines/3d polylines, maybe this is another factor with the problems you have. The only way I have found to reliably convert 3d to 2d like you wish is to use Microstation!