Chrome Add Ons For Youtube Video

The official YouTube channel for the Chrome browser, OS, Web Store, and Chromebooks.

Few things online can be as fun as YouTube. I can lose myself for hours watching videos. But the basic YouTube experience could use some improvement. Contra Shattered Soldier Ps2 Iso - Free Software And Shareware. Wouldn’t it be nice if videos could buffer as soon as a tab opened, and did so at exactly the quality I liked (or which worked with my connection)? And wouldn’t it be refreshing if YouTube was a tad less cluttered with widgets, doodads, comments, related videos and other bits of text?
A Cleaner YouTube A Cleaner YouTube is an add-on available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. In fact, we’ve covered the before. It may not be for everyone; but if you’re a minimalist at heart, this is one add-on you’re going to like. Here’s what YouTube looks like with this add-on installed: I intentionally captured my entire browser window, so you would see just how uncluttered it is.
A Cleaner YouTube somehow manages to distill YouTube down to just the bare essentials, while still leaving everything you need in reach. The top bar contains a search bar, Browse and Upload buttons, your user menu (if you’re logged on) and a Sign Out link. Under the video you can see this: So you can easily access comments and other information. Here’s what happens when you click that link: The comments open up instantly and seamlessly, and you can do all of the “social” things Google so very much wants you to do. Blood Knot By Tracy Cooper-posey.epub. But if you’re more of an “I just want to watch this video and move on with life” kind of person, you may appreciate how the comments stay out of the way. As an added bonus, A Cleaner YouTube also cleans out Amazon. Here’s what Amazon looks like after the Cleaner treatment: Okay, that stripped-down Amazon is just a bit too 1990’s for me, but for YouTube, A Cleaner YouTube is almost perfect.