Animierte Mauszeiger Windows 7

Windows 7 cursor free download - Cursor Lock, RealWorld Cursor Editor, PDF Reader for Windows 7, and many more programs.
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Anicursor - Dierk's animated cursors files (1) With this cursor set you can replace the following windows standard busy or wait cursors: Cursor archives, sorted by popularity danicur5 file added 4/18/03 Downloads: This collection includes about 120 great static 256 color pointers. Upgrade your desktop using this colorful cursors.
Enjoy the cool kaleidoscope of colors and the fantastic effects.. Danicur5.exe 126 KB Freeware Readme Selfextracting.
Buuz Mongolian Keyboard. And many more cursors in Danicur 5 devilhand file added 03/19/05 Downloads: Devil's hand or 'hook 'em horns' UT symbol cursor. In addition victory sign and middle finger cursors, all together static, one for righthanded, one for lefthanded people. 2 KB Freeware danicur2 file added 4/18/03 Downloads: 32 animated cursors and cursor clips, little short stories of a few seconds. Bitmap Converter For Lcd. Young girl blows you a hot kiss, Christmas tree suddenly catches on fire, bouncing ball, talking heads.. 36 KB Freeware Readme animation examples: crazycurs file added 8/9/03 Downloads: Crazycurs. This collection includes three crazy animated true color cursors.
Watch your cursor flip around the cursor hotspot. A great effect never seen on the desktop before. Don't work with WinNT. Crazycur.exe 111 KB Freeware Readme Selfextracting Page 2 - more cursors created by Dierk Anicursor startpage Sign Dierk's guestbook © Dierk 1995-2018 - optimized for MSIE and 800x600px - last modified.