Netdom Tool Windows Server 2003

Netdom Tool Windows Server 2003 6,2/10 8970reviews
Netware Operating SystemNetdom Tool Windows Server 2003

Download Acer Ipisb-vr Rev 1.01 Manual Software there. As far as System Admins are concerned, Support Tools are very much helpful for day to day tasks and troubleshooting. SupTools contain command line utilities such as.

When used with the trust operation, the /d: Domain parameter always refers to the trusted domain. To set the Windows NT 4.0 resource domain USA-Chicago to trust the Windows NT 4.0 account domain Northamerica, type the following at the command prompt: netdom trust /d:Northamerica USA-Chicago /add /Ud:Northamerica admin /Pd:* /Uo:USA-Chicago admin /Po:* Press Enter and the following prompt is displayed: Password for Northamerica admin: Enter the password for Northamerica admin and press Enter. The following prompt is displayed: Password for USA-Chicago admin: Enter the password for USA-Chicago admin and press Enter.

The user must have credentials for both domains. The /pd parameter can be used to specify the password for Northamerica admin and the /po parameter can be used to specify the password for USA-Chicago admin. If passwords are not provided on the command line, the user is prompted for both.

If you then want to specify a two-way trust, type the following at the command prompt netdom trust / /add /twoway / / Example 14: Establish a One-Way Trust Relationship from a Windows Domain to a Non-Windows Kerberos Realm. To establish a one-way trust where Northamerica trusts the non-Windows Kerberos realm ATHENA, type the following at the command prompt: netdom trust /d:ATHENA Northamerica /add /PT:password /realm The /d parameter specifies the trusted domain and the /realm parameter indicates that this is a non-Windows Kerberos realm. The order of the domains is not important. Credentials to the Windows 2000 domain can be supplied if needed.