Microsoft Encarta Africana 2000 (pc Cd-rom)
Get this from a library! Microsoft Encarta africana. [Anthony Appiah; Henry Louis Gates;] -- Explores the history, achievement, and culture of African peoples.

Microsoft Encarta was a digital multimedia. Microsoft had a separate product known as Encarta Africana which was an. Cartoon Television Program 1.8. Although it lost to the CD-ROM. May 16, 2010 Encarta Africana 2000 DVD. Microsoft Encarta Africana Encarta Africana 2000. You can only use Windows XP mode and Virtual PC on a Windows 7 Professional. Microsoft Encarta Africana 2000. By Microsoft. Currently unavailable. See newer version of this item. 5 out of 5 stars 3. Microsoft Encarta Africana 2000 (PC CD-ROM).

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