Little Big Planet 2 Save Data
LittleBigPlanet 3 is fully backwards compatible. Little Big Planet 3. Tales Runner Mac. This is the best system for transferring save data and items ever! For LittleBigPlanet 2 on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 2 save games. How do I save my LittleBigPlanet 2 game on PS3? Much like little big planet 1. Transferring specific data from an old PS3 to a new one?
Heres my friends save data for LBP2 its at 100% Platinum, this Plat took him roughly 10 days to get so it wasn't that bad. I removed the param.sfo because you don't need it. Test this and see if it gives you any trophies [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] This will get you 97%, the only 2 trophies you'll need are Teacher's Pet and Grapple Hooked, sorry about this, I didn't get the most recent save backup. Edit: Thanks to my real life homie who I took this save from, sucks you updated to 3. 3gp King Yumi Kazama. 56 man!! Successful Drawing Andrew Loomis Pdf.

You'll need a CFW and an FTP client. Thanks is appreciated but never asked for.