Dimonized Unp Female Body By Dimon99
File credits Halofarm for making UNPC v1 to begin with - Seraphim (7bUNP) Female Body Replacer - Vanilla TBBP HDT by AlpineYJ of Intracloud Productions - Dimonized UNP female body replacer by Dimon99 - BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente - Mesh Rigger by KGTools - Clothing Converter by KGTools - UNP Undies by Petrovich - HDT Physics Extensions by HydrogensaysHDT - XPMSE Skeleton by Groovtama - UNP Female Armors - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7305 Donations. By IsharaMeradin This mod provides: -- All body shapes are UNP Curvy v1 (or close approximates) -- Three appearance styles: with stock underwear; with lingerie; with bra & panty -- Three body styles: Standard; HDT-XPMSE; HDT-Simple -- Two underwear styles have three color choices each: White, Pink, Black -- Stock underwear only comes in standard body style and has no color choice. -- An option to add HDT support to NPCs by providing a femalehead.nif file with the appropriate HDT tags Requirements: UNP compatible texture for the body UNP compatible hand and feet meshes HDT styles require and your favorite hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP. Map Indonesia Navitel. xml file XPMSE HDT style requires an based skeleton to be installed Simple HDT style requires a skeleton with the following nodes: NPC L Breast, NPC R Breast, NPC L Butt, NPC R Butt, NPC Belly Installation: Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer via OMOD installer, might even be BAIN friendly.
Dec 23, 2012 A funny common problem with the great mod 'DIMONIZED UNP female body' by dimon99 on. Dec 21, 2012 A funny common problem with the great mod 'DIMONIZED UNP female body' by dimon99 on nexusmods.com Un divertente problema noto con la fantasica mod di. A funny common problem with the great mod 'DIMONIZED UNP female body' by dimon99 on nexusmods.com Un divertente problema noto con la fantasica.
For manual installation, extract the contents to a clean directory and pick the sub-directories you wish to use. Folders are labled in a way that should make sense. Pick one mesh folder and pick one matching texture folder as needed. Removal: Uninstall using the tool that you installed with. For manual uninstall, delete the files that you added. HDT Details: Both HDT styles require HDT Physics Extension and a hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml file.