Abb Unigear Zs1 Installation Manual
UniGear ZS1 is medium voltage switchgear with a metal enclosure. ABB – AIS UniGear ZS1 design features. By Edvard June. All the installation. UNIGEAR TYPE ZS1 UniGear is the new name for. Installation and. Rev.A, en – Brochure - 2002.11 (649424/012 UniGear type ZS1) Š ABB s.r.o. Medium voltage products eVD4 Installation and service. UniGear ZS1 switchgear and PowerCube. For special installation requirements, please contact ABB. ABB MV switchgears Unigear ZS1 - air insulated. Unigear ZS1 is designed and tested for accessibility. Arc proof installation shall always consider all the.
Only install sw itchgear and/or swi tchboards in clos ed rooms suitable for elect rical equip- ment. • Ensure that inst allation, opera tion and maintenan ce are only carried out by specia list electricians only. • Fully comply wi th the legally recog nized standard s (IEC or local), the conne ction conditi ons of the local electrical utility and the applicable safety at work regulations. • Observe the relev ant information i n the instruction manual for all act ions involving switchgear and switchboards. Pay special attention to the hazard notes in the instruction manual marked with this warning symbol.
• Make sure that the spec ified data are not exce eded under switch gear or switchbo ard operating conditions. W3l-1 25b (1).exe there. • Keep the instru ction manual acc essible to all pers onnel involv ed in installat ion, operation and maintenance. • The user’s pers onnel must act res ponsibly in a ll matters affe cting safety at w ork and correct handling of the switchgear. 1 El ect ric al dat a.....................................
4 2.1.1 Main para mete rs for pane ls with circ uit- break ers.......... 2 Mai n pa ram ete rs f or p ane ls wit h N ALF sw itc h-d isc onn ect. 2 Res ist anc e to int erna l arc fa ul ts....................... 3 Dim ens ion s and we igh ts............................. Download Goldenhawk Cdrwin V3.9h Incl Keygen-orion here. 1 Dim ens ion s a nd wei ght s o f 1 2/1 7,5 kV uni ts.............
2 Dim ens ion s a nd wei ght s o f 2 4 k V uni ts................. 3 Dim ens ion s and w eig hts o f pan els w ith t he NALF 12/17,5 kV switch-d isconnecto rs.................
6 2.3.4 Dime nsio ns an d we ights of pa nels with the N ALF 2 4 kV switc h-disconn ectors............................... 1 Ba sic str uct ure and va ria nts.......................... 2 En cl os ur e an d pa rti ti on in g........................... 7 3.2.1 V enti lati on of the pane ls............................. 3 Com part men ts in the pan els.......................... 1 Bu sba r com par tme nt...............................
2 Ci rcu it- bre ak er co mpa rtme nt......................... 9 3.3.3 Wit hdra wab le parts................................ 4 Cab le con nec tio n co mpa rtm ent...................... 12 3.3.5 Cont rol cabi net...................................
13 3.3.6 Swi tch- disc onne ctor and cab le com partme nt in th e pane l with switch -disconnect or.................. 4 In ter lo ck /pr ot ect ion aga ins t err one ous ope rat ion.........